Saturday, 23 February 2008

Arbitrage - the plan

I've browsed through hundreds of posts and blog posts on arbitrage in order to find the best way to conduct my little test. Eventually - the plan was BORN.

Ok, so here's what I will do over the next new days:

1) I will try to find two, potentially profitable niches, using either a method described here and here, or yet another method, which still awaits description. I will try to find one niche with very strong "buy" characteristic and another, where attitude would be more like "research". I will also try to make sure that all related keywords get at least one million searches at 7search - this is the 2-tier network that I will use to drive traffic to my test sites. I've already opened an account with them and funded it with an initial deposit of $50.

2) Obviously, I will conduct thorough keyword research - related to No. 1.

3) I will use two very different templates for my sites, with AdSense ads on them. I will tweak them on an ongoing basis to see how it affects CTR.

4) I will document my progress in detail, giving you as much insight as possible into various factors that affect my outcome. Let's call it "anatomy of arbitrage".

It may seem short and simple, but I actually have a long list of variables that I want to test. It would make no sense to list them all here, without any supporting data.

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Saturday, 23 February 2008

Arbitrage - the plan

I've browsed through hundreds of posts and blog posts on arbitrage in order to find the best way to conduct my little test. Eventually - the plan was BORN.

Ok, so here's what I will do over the next new days:

1) I will try to find two, potentially profitable niches, using either a method described here and here, or yet another method, which still awaits description. I will try to find one niche with very strong "buy" characteristic and another, where attitude would be more like "research". I will also try to make sure that all related keywords get at least one million searches at 7search - this is the 2-tier network that I will use to drive traffic to my test sites. I've already opened an account with them and funded it with an initial deposit of $50.

2) Obviously, I will conduct thorough keyword research - related to No. 1.

3) I will use two very different templates for my sites, with AdSense ads on them. I will tweak them on an ongoing basis to see how it affects CTR.

4) I will document my progress in detail, giving you as much insight as possible into various factors that affect my outcome. Let's call it "anatomy of arbitrage".

It may seem short and simple, but I actually have a long list of variables that I want to test. It would make no sense to list them all here, without any supporting data.

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