Saturday 3 November 2007

There’s Gold in Them Thar Hills!

History Lesson
Today we’ll go back a little further in history than yesterday’s post and look at the history of Gold in the United States. Let’s go back to 1849 and discovery of Gold in California which led to the Gold Rush. By 1856 the United States government had acquired 174 million acres of Native American lands through 52 treaties all of which were subsequently broken by US Government in their lustful pursuit of the precious metal. Along the way, countless Native Americans fell victim to numerous smallpox epidemics that decimated the western tribes. Though it is fact or fiction, there has been much debate over the US Government giving smallpox infected blankets to the Native American tribes which allowed US Department of Indian Affairs Act to redefine the Indian Territory and granted the US Army the right to quarantine Native Americans infected with the disease, essentially putting them into death camps.

By 1863 the Bozeman Trail is blazed to gold mines in Montana and Wyoming which was once Native American land and war breaks out between the US Army and the Teton Sioux led by Red Cloud. In 1868 the US Army abandons forts all along Bozeman Trail and the Treaty of Fort Laramie defining the Great Sioux Reservation is signed. That doesn’t stop the spread of the gold lust when rumors of gold being found in the Black Hills of South Dakota, considered Indian Territory, starts yet another encroachment by the US Government into Native American territory belonging to the Lakota, Santee and Yankton tribes. In 1876 General George A. Custer is defeated and killed at the Battle of Little Bighorn by Crazy Horse and his band of freedom fighters.

The influential American punk band The Minutemen openly questioned the valor and dignity of Custer on the title track of their 1981 album The Punch Line: “I believe when they found the body of General George A. Custer/Quilled like a porcupine with Indian arrows/He didn’t die with any honor, dignity, or valor/I believe when they found the body of George A. Custer/American general, patriot, and Indian fighter/That he died with shit in his pants.”

What did Custer really die for? Perhaps it might be the plundering of over $18 Billion of Sioux gold, silver and other natural resources from the Black Hills of South Dakota. As a final epitath to the Native American people, the US Congress authorized the Mount Rushmore National Memorial Commission on March 3, 1925 on land that once was part of the sacred route that Lakota leader Black Elk took in a spiritual journeyn. The Lakota Sioux had known Mount Rushmore as Six Grandfathers until it was renamed by a New York lawyer, Charles E. Rushmore (how quaint).

So What Does This Have to Do With Today?
Unfortunately, in the year 2007, the US government is still in the act of seizing gold that belongs to other people. Once again, a pack of lies, myths, misconceptions and misleading allegations are being levied to excuse this territorial possessive act. By now, any regular reader of my blog should know I’m talking about the US DOJ seizing the E-Gold accounts of the larger exchangers and Omnipay’s own account. Now, if you read my post yesterday about the historical price of gold as related to significant turbulence in world affairs and are watching events transpire in Iraq and now Iran coming into the scene, you might be piecing the puzzle together and asking yourself, “What was actually seized?” as far as assets of those indicted DGC exchangers? Was it USD equivalent of the amount of gold held in those accounts at that particular moment at the time of seizure or was it the actual grams of gold themselves, subject to rise and fall accordingly to the gold futures market ? A market that can be jolted by foreign affairs as we’ve already seen in yesterdays post.

To get the approval of the American public for their actions carried out against the Native Americans in pursuit of gold, the US government used the media of the time to create “widespread panic” that the Native Americans were savages who scalped white people, that the Native Americans were disease carrying (smallpox) and other propaganda. Similar propaganda that stirs the American public today might be “child pornography”, “credit card fraud”, and such. Do you get my point ? Considering Paypal is probably the most widely used money transmitter on the Internet and almost certainly similar accusations could be levied against the founders of Paypal, the cold, hard truth is that Paypal is not backed by squat. Paypal is not even FDIC insured, they use third party FDIC insurance and/or pass-through. Additionally, Paypal is only licensed as a “money transmitter” in eight US states (go look it up on Your money in Paypal is not even worth numbers on a piece of paper. If there were to be some sort of economic collapse, any funds in Paypal would be insecure while any funds held in a DGC, that are backed by gold would more than likely increase in value.

There’s no gold in thar there hills of Paypal but the Great Gold Rush of 2007 has just begun. All Digital Gold account holders, just remember, don’t take any “free blankets” from the US Government.

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Saturday 3 November 2007

There’s Gold in Them Thar Hills!

History Lesson
Today we’ll go back a little further in history than yesterday’s post and look at the history of Gold in the United States. Let’s go back to 1849 and discovery of Gold in California which led to the Gold Rush. By 1856 the United States government had acquired 174 million acres of Native American lands through 52 treaties all of which were subsequently broken by US Government in their lustful pursuit of the precious metal. Along the way, countless Native Americans fell victim to numerous smallpox epidemics that decimated the western tribes. Though it is fact or fiction, there has been much debate over the US Government giving smallpox infected blankets to the Native American tribes which allowed US Department of Indian Affairs Act to redefine the Indian Territory and granted the US Army the right to quarantine Native Americans infected with the disease, essentially putting them into death camps.

By 1863 the Bozeman Trail is blazed to gold mines in Montana and Wyoming which was once Native American land and war breaks out between the US Army and the Teton Sioux led by Red Cloud. In 1868 the US Army abandons forts all along Bozeman Trail and the Treaty of Fort Laramie defining the Great Sioux Reservation is signed. That doesn’t stop the spread of the gold lust when rumors of gold being found in the Black Hills of South Dakota, considered Indian Territory, starts yet another encroachment by the US Government into Native American territory belonging to the Lakota, Santee and Yankton tribes. In 1876 General George A. Custer is defeated and killed at the Battle of Little Bighorn by Crazy Horse and his band of freedom fighters.

The influential American punk band The Minutemen openly questioned the valor and dignity of Custer on the title track of their 1981 album The Punch Line: “I believe when they found the body of General George A. Custer/Quilled like a porcupine with Indian arrows/He didn’t die with any honor, dignity, or valor/I believe when they found the body of George A. Custer/American general, patriot, and Indian fighter/That he died with shit in his pants.”

What did Custer really die for? Perhaps it might be the plundering of over $18 Billion of Sioux gold, silver and other natural resources from the Black Hills of South Dakota. As a final epitath to the Native American people, the US Congress authorized the Mount Rushmore National Memorial Commission on March 3, 1925 on land that once was part of the sacred route that Lakota leader Black Elk took in a spiritual journeyn. The Lakota Sioux had known Mount Rushmore as Six Grandfathers until it was renamed by a New York lawyer, Charles E. Rushmore (how quaint).

So What Does This Have to Do With Today?
Unfortunately, in the year 2007, the US government is still in the act of seizing gold that belongs to other people. Once again, a pack of lies, myths, misconceptions and misleading allegations are being levied to excuse this territorial possessive act. By now, any regular reader of my blog should know I’m talking about the US DOJ seizing the E-Gold accounts of the larger exchangers and Omnipay’s own account. Now, if you read my post yesterday about the historical price of gold as related to significant turbulence in world affairs and are watching events transpire in Iraq and now Iran coming into the scene, you might be piecing the puzzle together and asking yourself, “What was actually seized?” as far as assets of those indicted DGC exchangers? Was it USD equivalent of the amount of gold held in those accounts at that particular moment at the time of seizure or was it the actual grams of gold themselves, subject to rise and fall accordingly to the gold futures market ? A market that can be jolted by foreign affairs as we’ve already seen in yesterdays post.

To get the approval of the American public for their actions carried out against the Native Americans in pursuit of gold, the US government used the media of the time to create “widespread panic” that the Native Americans were savages who scalped white people, that the Native Americans were disease carrying (smallpox) and other propaganda. Similar propaganda that stirs the American public today might be “child pornography”, “credit card fraud”, and such. Do you get my point ? Considering Paypal is probably the most widely used money transmitter on the Internet and almost certainly similar accusations could be levied against the founders of Paypal, the cold, hard truth is that Paypal is not backed by squat. Paypal is not even FDIC insured, they use third party FDIC insurance and/or pass-through. Additionally, Paypal is only licensed as a “money transmitter” in eight US states (go look it up on Your money in Paypal is not even worth numbers on a piece of paper. If there were to be some sort of economic collapse, any funds in Paypal would be insecure while any funds held in a DGC, that are backed by gold would more than likely increase in value.

There’s no gold in thar there hills of Paypal but the Great Gold Rush of 2007 has just begun. All Digital Gold account holders, just remember, don’t take any “free blankets” from the US Government.

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