Tuesday 6 November 2007

The Richest Man in Babylon: Seven Cures for a Lean Purse Part 5

Make of thy dwelling a profitable investment.

Yes, before David Bach and The Automatic Millionaire Homeowner there was The Richest Man in Babylon, giving advice on how a home can make you wealthy.

The book goes on a bit about how every man needs to enjoy his own property as does his wife and family. It talks a bit about putting down a good-sized downpayment and paying off the lender quickly. Then, it ends with this:

Thus come many blessings to the man who owneth his own house. And greatly will it reduce his cost of living, making available more of his earnings for pleasures and the gratification of his desires. This, then, is the fifth cure for a lean purse: Own thy own home.

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Tuesday 6 November 2007

The Richest Man in Babylon: Seven Cures for a Lean Purse Part 5

Make of thy dwelling a profitable investment.

Yes, before David Bach and The Automatic Millionaire Homeowner there was The Richest Man in Babylon, giving advice on how a home can make you wealthy.

The book goes on a bit about how every man needs to enjoy his own property as does his wife and family. It talks a bit about putting down a good-sized downpayment and paying off the lender quickly. Then, it ends with this:

Thus come many blessings to the man who owneth his own house. And greatly will it reduce his cost of living, making available more of his earnings for pleasures and the gratification of his desires. This, then, is the fifth cure for a lean purse: Own thy own home.

Read more summary of this book

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