1 cent clicks
Actually I don't know how to name them. They are sites that pay 1 cent per each click, just fill egold number in and click, they will pay 1cent instantly to egold, but they rarely have something to click on, so I listed all them here to increase the chance of finding free money :). Happy clicking!
- http://www.1centegold.com
- http://www.egolded.com
- http://egoldy.publy.net (this site almost always have ads :P
- http://paybizz.com
- http://banomatic.com
Those bussiness doesn't seem to last long. 2 over 7 sites originally on this list is gone, may be they are trying to tell ppl to hurry...
USAGE: Click on one of the links above then find "Money seeker" if you want 1c and "advertiser" if you want others to click on your ad
Unlike some other list I've seen, I don't link directly to the banner but rather the home of the site. Why? Because I find out when the banner is linked directly to, there's noway to know wether it is expired (you won't get any money for clicking it) or not, so it's best to link to the home page to avoid unnecessary clicks ;)